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does any1 actually know what E=mc2 means?


e=mc2 means energy (ie pure energy) is equal to mass. if a particle could be converted into energy, its a hell of a lot. i remember reading that a cup of water has more thatn enough energy to boil all of the oceans of the world. it also implies that nothing can travel at or above the speed of light, because it would take pure energy to accelerate a particle that far, because as an particle (or object) gets faster its mass increases. this isnt a very good explanation i know, but im a bit pissed (drunk if your american) and need to go to bed. anyways, read up stephen hawking and einstien if you can be bothered.


e=mc2 means energy (ie pure energy) is equal to mass. if a particle could be converted into energy, its a hell of a lot. i remember reading that a cup of water has more thatn enough energy to boil all of the oceans of the world. it also implies that nothing can travel at or above the speed of light, because it would take pure energy to accelerate a particle that far, because as an particle (or object) gets faster its mass increases. this isnt a very good explanation i know, but im a bit pissed (drunk if your american) and need to go to bed. anyways, read up stephen hawking and einstien if you can be bothered.


E=Mc2 means that the energy created is the mass of an object times the velocity of light squared. say a rocket ship is going at the speed of light, and you have extra boost to make the ship go faster. if that boost is used, then energy will be created equivilent to that of its mass times the velocity of light. Eistein's theory was that nothing could surpass the speed of light. E=Mc2 was recently proven wrong.


I still dont get the E=mc2. it makes no sense. Iknow that we all are a part of it but i dont gethow it is supposedto be explained.

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