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Books: Conflict and Resolution

Books: Community, Networks, and Social Capital

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  • All comments, ideas and thoughts on What Really Matters are designed to inspire thought and provoke discussion. Still, they remain the property of their authors. Reasonable excerpts are permitted on other sites and blogs; otherwise reproduction without the author's permission is strictly prohibited. What Really Matters has no obligations for the comments posted on its site. We reserve the right, however, to monitor all comments, and to move, edit, or delete any posting. We discourage comments that are off-topic, unintelligible, or inappropriate; comments that are unnecessarily antagonistic, defamatory, foul, abusive, or threatening; comments that are in violation of copyright, trademark, or intellectual property laws; in other words, comments which are determined, under the sole authority of the contributors (singularly or in unison), to be otherwise objectionable. What Really Matters encourages comments to be short and to the point. Comments should show a courteous regard for the presence of other voices in the discussion. We reserve the right to edit or delete comments that do not adhere to this standard.
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Member since 02/2004